Auditing Through The Computer

Auditing through the computer – Uses the computer to test the processing logic and controls within the system and the records produced

Test Data Approach – In the test data approach, the auditor prepares a set of dummy transactions specifically designed to test control activities that management claims to have incorporated into the processing programs.

Parallel Simulation – A parallel simulation uses a controlled program (auditor developed program) to reprocess sets of client transactions (real transactions and not dummy) and compares the auditor-achieved results with those of the client.

Integrated Test Facility – Using the integrated test facility (ITF) method, the auditor creates a dummy record within the client’s actual system (e.g., a fictitious employee in the personnel and payroll file). Dummy and actual transactions are processed.

Embedded Audit Module – An embedded audit module is an integral part of an application system that is designed to identify and report actual transactions and other information that meets the criteria of having audit significance (e.g., transactions over $5,000).

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