Due Dates For Filing Income Tax Return

Original and Extended Due Dates of filing of return of income for a calendar year tax payer Return Type                       Original Due Date         Extended Due Date S corporation                          March 15                     September 15 Partnership                              March 15                     September 15 Estate and trust                         April 15                      September 30 Individual                                April 15                       October 15 Exempt organization                May 15                         November 15 A […]

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Foreign Tax Credit

  A deduction is allowed for foreign income taxes paid or accrued during the taxable year. Alternatively, both individual taxpayers and corporations may claim a Foreign Tax Credit on income earned and subject to tax in a foreign country or U.S. possession. One may not claim both the deduction and the credit. The Foreign Tax […]

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Estimated Taxes

  Each quarterly estimated tax payment required is 25% of the lesser of 100% of the prior year’s tax, provided the tax liability existed and preceding tax year was 12 months (not for corporations with taxable income ≥ $1 million), 100% of the current year’s tax, or 100% of the annualized income (for corporations with […]

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The PHC tax is a 20% penalty tax imposed on the undistributed income of a corporation that meets the following two tests. Stock ownership test More than 50% by value is owned by 5 or fewer shareholders at any time during the last half of the year. Nature of income test 60% or more of […]

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  The accumulated earnings tax (AET) is imposed only on a corporation that, for the purpose of avoiding income tax at the shareholder level, allows earnings and profits to accumulate instead of being distributed. The accumulated earnings tax is imposed by Sec. 531 on unreasonably large accumulations of earnings in a corporation.. Without showing a […]

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Business Nexus for Sales Tax

For a taxing authorities to tax sales and income-generating activities, nexus is required to be established of a physical and/or financial presence within a jurisdiction. Here are the 5 drivers in establishing the nexus … A physical location in the state Resident employees working in the state Real or intangible property (owned or rented) within […]

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Exempt Organizations in US

1 EXEMPT STATUS  Exempt status generally depends on the nature and purpose of an organization. An organization is tax-exempt only if it is a class specifically described by the IRC as one on which exemption is conferred. An organization operated for the primary purpose of carrying on a trade or business for profit is generally […]

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Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)

  UNRELATED BUSINESS INCOME TAX Unrelated business income (UBI) is income from a trade or business, regularly carried on, that is not substantially related to the charitable, educational, or other purpose constituting the basis for an organization’s tax-exempt status. But income is not subject to tax as UBI if substantially all the work is performed […]

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S Corporation Election and Termination

ELECTION All eligible corporation must make the election for S Corporation status by filing Form 2553 All shareholders at the time the election is made must file a consent Each person who was a shareholder at any time during the part of the tax year before the election is made must also consent. If any […]

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